P004 → || Out Museum

Branding Design, 2025

2D graphics and animation with Illustrator, InDesign,  AfterEffect

Grace Cao, Yishi Chen
More info here: link

"OUT/出 MUSEUM," a Chinese queer museum prototype with the dream of realizing an institution that will collect, safeguard, and showcase China's queer movement, art, and stories. For a growing queer Chinese diasporic community, "OUT | 出" means to come out and be proud, while also alluding to the complicated realities of "getting out" of somewhere–whether by fear or by hope. 

"OUT/出 MUSEUM",這是一個試水中國酷兒博物館的概念,夢想著建立一個收集、保護和展示中國酷兒運動、藝術和故事的機構。對於一個不斷增長的酷兒華裔社區,“OUT | 出”意味著出櫃並自豪,同時也暗示著“出櫃”的複雜現實——無論是出於恐懼還是希望。