P001 → 2024 Chinatown Zine Festival

Chinatown Ross Alley Zine Festival 華埠小巷手作書誌節

Graphic Design
2D graphics and animation with Illustrator, InDesign,  AfterEffect

More here: link

Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco proudly presents the first ever Chinatown Ross Alley Zine Festival, an art and culture event showcasing a diverse lineup of independent Bay Area artists and zine publishers. Taking place on Saturday, November 9 from 12 pm - 4 pm, in Ross Alley, SF Chinatown, the festival aims to uplift BIPOC and independent artists; celebrate the dynamic communities and cultural vibrancy of Chinatown; create a innovative and inclusive platform to explore the possibilities of print media as a powerful tool of storytelling; and foster meaningful connections and spark dialogue among diverse communities.

The inaugural Chinatown Ross Alley Zine Festival, inspired and built upon the free expression and art form of print matters, featuring bay area based independent artists and publishers, offering limited edition zines and artworks for purchase, special items and book giveaways, film screening, music, and more! This event is free to the public.

舊金山中華文化中心驕傲呈現第一屆華埠小巷手作書誌節,這是一個展示灣區獨立藝術家和印刷出版藝術家的藝術文化活動。活動將於11月9日(週六)下午12點至4點在三藩市華埠舊呂宋巷(Ross Alley)舉行,旨在提昇多種族藝術家和獨立藝術家;慶祝華埠充滿活力的多元社區和文化;創造一個創新且包容的平臺,探索印刷媒體作爲強大敘事工具的可能性;並在多元社區之間建立有意義的聯繫,激發對話。


Photography by Robert Borsdorf